Team fortress classic servers non steam roleplay
Team fortress classic servers non steam roleplay

team fortress classic servers non steam roleplay

ugc_6v_standard.cfg – UGC rules for 6v6 5CP maps, such as cp_prolands_b5.etf2l_golden_cap.cfg – ETF2L rules for a golden cap on 5cp maps.etf2l_bball.cfg – ETF2L rules for BBall.etf2l_ultiduo.cfg – ETF2L rules for Ultiduo.etf2l_9v9_stopwatch.cfg – ETF2L rules for Highlander Stopwatch maps, such as pl_badwater and cp_steel.etf2l_9v9_koth.cfg – ETF2L rules for Highlander KOTH maps, such as koth_lakeside.etf2l_9v9_ctf.cfg – ETF2L rules for Highlander CTF maps, such as ctf_haunt.etf2l_9v9_5cp.cfg – ETF2L rules for Highlander 5CP maps, such as cp_process_final.etf2l_6v6_stopwatch.cfg – ETF2L rules for 6v6 Stopwatch maps, such as cp_gravelpit.etf2l_6v6_ctf.cfg – ETF2L rules for 6v6 CTF maps, such as ctf_turbine.etf2l_6v6_koth.cfg – ETF2L rules for 6v6 KOTH maps, such as koth_product_rc9.etf2l_6v6_5cp.cfg – ETF2L rules for 6v6 5CP maps, such as cp_prolands_b5.It depends which gamemode and in which league we play: cfg, for example pl_badwater.cfg and you can put anything you want to set up for this map, for example if you want to load ETF2L 9v9 Stopwatch config which is proper for this map in this league, all you need to write inside this config is The servers are capable to used predefined setups for desired maps - to make it, you need to create file called. If you have your own dedicated server, all you need to do start being able to load configs is placing desired configuration files into \tf\cfg\ catalog and that's it - you'll be ready to set up the server. Almost all current leagues are using that trick. It allows you to reduce the amount of lines needed to create all configuration options. Rcon exec etf2l_9v9_kothIf the server contains a file called etf2l_9v9_koth.cfg in the directory /tf/cfg/, then the configuration will be loaded.ĪTTENTION: the command exec can be either used as a part of the config which means configs can load another configs. Usually configs are written with a rule - one variable = one line, but you can combine two commands into one if you divide them by a semicolon ( ), for instance: That can be done through RCON or through direct server console.Īn important thing you have to know is configuration is read line-by-line which means the later the config is read, the later value is used in the config which means if for example config_a sets up mp_winlimit 3, config_b sets mp_winlimit 0 and I execute these files in order config_a, config_b - value from the latest config used will be set in game (which is mp_timelimit 0).

team fortress classic servers non steam roleplay

When the server operator want to execute specified setup, he can just use a prepared configuration setup saved into a file and when needed - execute it. Configuration s are used to prevent people setting up the server command by command. In the competitive mode server must be configured according to league restrictions, so basically speaking you have to load a config alongside with a respective whitelist, so it will work as one ready setup.

Team fortress classic servers non steam roleplay